Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

Showing: 161 - 170 of 174 Articles
learn how to learn

Stop Freaking Out & Learn How To Learn

On my Instagram, I posted this a while ago and I thought it needed to on the blog, too. So, here goes nothing… As we all know, when we are teenagers, we don’t listen to our parents. We know “everything”. BUT deep down we ARE listening and I can say that I did listen to …

Jesus: The Perfect Teacher

How To Be The Best Teacher From The Perfect Example

Background A couple of Sundays ago, we finished our 53rd lesson on Mark in my Sunday School class. Yes! You read that right, 53 weeks, however, it was some of the best Sundays I have ever had learning about Jesus – THE BEST TEACHER EVER. The goal of my teacher is to make the Bible …

new green classroom - front

The Joy, Comfort, & Stress-Reducing Power of a Classroom Makeover

Last Year’s Classroom Decor – Before the Classroom Makeover Last year, I decided to change schools and districts to be closer to my son during the day. This meant I had the chance to do a classroom makeover  I used different types of plants and a blue and green color scheme. I liked it a …

help wanted

Why Is There A Teacher Shortage? – A Teacher’s Perspective

I don’t know about you, but I have been seeing a lot of social media posts and news articles about how there is a teacher shortage all over the country. Those articles really hit home with me, and how I have many teacher friends who have left the profession. So, I am going to share …


#1 Thing Any Teacher Needs to Know to Be Successful

I have been doing a lot of scrolling on Instagram and Facebook lately, and I have noticed a trend. There are several questions that are being ask that are similar to “what advice would you give to a new teacher?”. Therefore, I’ve been thinking about this lately, and here is what I think any teacher …

path to the cross

Need a Relationship that Gives You Hope and Peace? Start Now!

There is no earthly relationship can give the type of peace and hope I’m referring to. Only a relationship with GOD can do this! How do you cultivate any relationship? Let me challenge you for a minute.  If I were to answer, I would say that spending time and having deep conversations enhance any relationship. …

stressed at work

Feeling Burnt Out? – An Encouragement Letter to Amazing Teachers

I’m Not Alone – There are many Teachers like Me Who here is feeling burned out? Are you an extremely exhausted teacher and questioning whether you were meant to teach or not? I’m *Raising my hand* to all the above. Therefore, I thought I would write an encouragement letter to all of the amazing teachers …