Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

Showing: 1 - 10 of 13 Articles
playing games in a math classroom

Gamify Your High School Math Class With Awesome Educational Games

Are you tired of the same old routine in your high school math class? Do you want to engage your students in a more interactive and enjoyable way? Look no further than gamifying your math class! Gamification involves incorporating elements of game design into non-game contexts, such as education, to enhance motivation and learning outcomes. …

app store for math apps

The 7 Best Interactive Math Apps to Explore

In today’s digital age, technology has become an indispensable tool in education, especially in the field of mathematics. Math apps have revolutionized the way students learn and practice math concepts, making the subject more accessible, engaging, and interactive. Whether you’re a student looking to boost your math skills or a teacher seeking innovative resources for …

math apps in the classroom

Reasons Why Using Interactive Math Apps Is Highly Important

Mathematics education has evolved significantly in recent years, with technology playing a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience for students. High school math teachers are constantly seeking innovative tools and resources to engage their students and promote deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. One of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is through …

high school math classroom

Why I Crafted Beautiful Diverse Math Posters That You Will Love

Creating a vibrant and stimulating learning environment is essential for any classroom, but when it comes to mathematics, it takes on an even greater significance. As a dedicated math educator, I embarked on a journey to design and create a diverse range of math posters for my high school classroom. In this blog post, I …

35 Awesome Multiplication Tables Printable Posters for FREE

35 Awesome Multiplication Tables Printable Posters for FREE

Are you ready to turn your learning space into a powerhouse of mathematical exploration? As an educator, parent, or someone passionate about fostering mathematical literacy, you understand the importance of mastering multiplication tables. They serve as the foundation for countless mathematical concepts, making them a crucial component of any student’s academic journey. And what better …

featured image for blog about trigonometry and precalculus

Unraveling the Mysteries: Introduction to Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus

Embarking on the journey of advanced mathematics can often feel like entering a labyrinth of complex equations and unfamiliar concepts. However, with the right guidance, even the most daunting topics can become accessible and even fascinating. Today, I delve into the realms of trigonometry and pre-calculus, unlocking the secrets behind these fundamental branches of mathematics. …

calculus featured image

Helpful Hints For Calculus: Step-by-Step Guide For High Schoolers

Calculus, often considered the pinnacle of high school mathematics, has a reputation for being complex and intimidating. Many students approach calculus with trepidation, fearing its intricate formulas and abstract concepts. However, with the right guidance and approach, calculus can be demystified and even become an enjoyable subject to explore. In this blog post, I’ll break …

teacher stressed by students misbehaving

Teachers – How To Work With A Difficult Student

As teachers, we inevitably have “that” student that causes trouble in our classes. I call them a “difficult student”. Here are some strategies that I have used to help with behavior management. Make a relationship with them The #1 best thing that you can do to help your classroom management is to make relationships with …

student frustrated by math

Why Do Students Hate Math? Help Them Love It Again!

I am forever hearing, “I hate math!”, “Math is stupid.”, and “I’m never going to use this in the real-world.” and I went on a mission to find why students hate math so much. This is what I found. It’s Difficult Math is difficult, especially if you are not mathematically minded. Understanding this is key …

How to Prevent Cheating in a Math Classroom

In the digital world we live in, apps can make our lives easier. However, as a math teacher, it has made my job harder – especially post-pandemic. How you might ask? Cheating. Cheating in a math classroom has become absolutely rampant, and it needs to stop now in order to have academic integrity again. So, …