Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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A couple of Sundays ago, we finished our 53rd lesson on Mark in my Sunday School class. Yes! You read that right, 53 weeks, however, it was some of the best Sundays I have ever had learning about Jesus – THE BEST TEACHER EVER.

The goal of my teacher is to make the Bible come to life and guide us on how to apply it to our lives today. …Well, he did just that and I don’t think he knows he actually did. (Maybe he will read this one day! 😁)

What God taught me through him was that Jesus is the ultimate and perfect example of a teacher! AND … that I needed to “observe” Jesus’ classroom.

jesus teaching others

And now, this blog is about what I learned and just maybe, you can apply it to your life as well.

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Evaluating His “Lesson Plan” – The Bible

Jesus’ Objective

When teaching, there is a guiding principle to each day called an “objective”. It is the material we are covering and what the students should be learning.

So, Jesus’ lesson objective was to teach that He was the Messiah the people had been waiting for and that He came to save them from their sins.

Passages that Caught my Eye

Here is the material, let’s see what we can learn and what stood out to me when Jesus was teaching.

Mark 6:30-43 (Background verses) (Feeding of the Five Thousand)

After he was finished feeding the 5,000, there were 12 baskets full of bread and fish left over. Seems to me, this would have been one per disciple. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Mark 6:45-52 (Jesus Walking on Water)

Once Jesus calmed the waters, he got into the boat. “… They (the disciples) were completely astounded, because they had not understood about the loaves (loaves of bread and fish from feeding the 5,000) Instead, their hearts were hardened.”

Jesus walking on water
 Mark 7:17-18 (The Traditions of the Elders)

When he went into the house away from the crowd, his disciples asked him about the parable. He said to them, “Are you also as lacking in understanding?”

Mark 8:1-10 (Feeding the Four Thousand)

Jesus had compassion on the crowd because they had been with him for 3 days, and the disciples asked where they were going to get enough food to feed them. This coming right after Jesus had just fed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. 😳

Mark 8:14-21 (The Lesson Standards and Objectives Being Met)

14 The disciples had forgotten to take bread and had only one loaf with them in the boat. 15 Then he gave them strict orders: “Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” 16 They were discussing among themselves that they did not have any bread. 17 Aware of this, he said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact you have no bread? Don’t you understand or comprehend? Do you have hardened hearts? 18 Do you have eyes and not see; do you have ears and not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of leftovers did you collect? ”

“Twelve,” they told him.

20 “When I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many baskets full of pieces did you collect? ”

“Seven,” they said.

21 And he said to them, “Don’t you understand yet? ” — Mark 8:14-21 (CSB)

And he said to them, “Don’t you understand yet? ”

Mark 8:21 (CSB)
Mark 8:29 (A Student – Peter- Gets It!)

… Peter answered him, “You are the Messiah.”

Mark 8:32 (3 verses later…)

Peter pulls Jesus aside and began to rebuke Jesus for him saying that He was the Son of Man. But turning around and looking at the disciples he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! You are not thinking about God’s concerns but human concerns.”

Peter forgot all that he had learned within a short amount of time. (Just like us sometimes.)

Mark 9:31-32 (The Second Prediction of His Death)

… For he was teaching his disciples and telling them, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after he is killed, he will rise three days later.” 32 But they did not understand this statement, and they were afraid to ask him. — Mark 9:31-32 (CSB)

Don't you understand yet?

My Reflection from the Best Teacher Ever’s Lesson Plan

Being a Teacher is Difficult No Matter the Audience or Topic

Jesus’ audience or “students” were the disciples and the people of Israel. Teaching them to do what’s right and teaching them the ways of his Father God was a difficult and it seems like he was frustrated.

But Jesus took the job because he knew he was the ultimate difference maker and could change the world forever.

Perseverance is Important

Even though the disciples did not understand, Jesus kept teaching. He knew that one day, they would understand.

His perseverance to keep teaching, in spite of ” His students” not understanding is something I desire.

When students don’t understand what I am teaching, I feel like I’m failing them and that I’m doing a horrible job. It makes me want to quit and give up.

But coming to the realization that Jesus went through something similar with his disciples makes me feel less “unworthy” to teach. It helps me relate to Jesus and it somehow inspires me to be a better teacher.

Patience is Key

If I had to say one key trait that every teacher must have, it would be patience – and Jesus is the perfect example.

He had extreme patience with his disciples when they did “boneheaded” things or did not understand.

But, it isn’t just Jesus that has patience, God has patience as well. How many times did the people in the Bible not follow His commands? How many times do I fail Him daily? God has patience with me, even when I don’t deserve it.

Sometimes, we feel our students don’t deserve patience either. However, we give it to them even when they don’t deserve it. When we do this, we are showing them the same mercy that God shows us.

The Wrap Up

The more I reflect on this, the more I seem to understand…

When reading these passages, I want to be Jesus, but somehow I am always the disciples. I don’t understand sometimes and make boneheaded decisions. But, Jesus is always there for me and to push me to understand – just like I do with my students. He will also forgive me when I fail him.

… Even though they have taken Jesus out of schools, they can’t take Him out of me. I can’t come right out and push Jesus on the students, but they can see me live like Him every day. I might be the only Jesus they ever see and I will be a light unto the world.

… Our missions are different, however, Jesus has set the perfect example as a teacher and I strive, daily, to be like Him in my classroom.

Do you see Jesus as the Perfect Example of a Teacher?

Please comment and let me know your thoughts!

Just as a note: I used the Christian Standard Version of the Bible (CSB).


  1. Brandi, we were honored to read aloud what you wrote. You are a very effective writer. Our schools need many more teachers like you. Without a doubt what you talk is what you walk. You give glory and honor our out Lord.

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