Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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I don’t know about you, but I’m always busy. There are so many things I need to keep track of and remember. So, I have been searching for the perfect planner for years now to help me stay organized and nothing seemed to fit my needs. That is, until I found a bullet journal.

What is a bullet journal?

“A bullet journal (sometimes known as a BuJo) is a method of personal organization developed by designer Ryder Carroll.[1][2] The system organizes scheduling, reminders, to-do listsbrainstorming, and other organizational tasks into a single notebook. The name “bullet journal” comes from the use of abbreviated bullet points to log information,[3] but it also partially comes from the use of dot journals, which are gridded using dots rather than lines.[4]” (Wikipedia).

What does my bullet journal look like?

What do I put in my bullet journal?

The short answer is everything. I tend to get overwhelmed with the amount of information that I’m required to remember and if I write it down, I’m much more likely to remember it. But if I can’t, I know where I can find it.

My Favorite Thing about a Bullet Journal

My favorite thing about the bullet journal is that it is completely customizable. I can do with it what I want and if I don’t like a layout, I can change it the next week or the next time I get a new journal. Something else that is pretty cool is that I am a very creative person, and this allows me to have a creative outlet without spending hours doing so.

Find layouts that work for you

I’ve tried a few times to start one of these and inevitably I would pick the wrong layout and it would bother me so much that I would start over. My advice is to draw it out in pencil first and then decide if you like it or not. Then if you don’t, you can erase it and if you do, you can retrace it and make it look pretty.

Something else to consider that I did for this bullet journal is that I wrote on a sticky what I thought I wanted on a page, then arranged the sticky notes in the bullet journal where I thought they should go. This allowed me to change my mind to… which I do a lot.

Why did I choose my theme?

If you’ve noticed, all of my pages have the same colors: pink, green, & brown. I chose these colors because of my Teachers Pay Teachers store called Binary Addition and this blog for the colors of green & brown.

You can choose whatever theme you would like. If you aren’t sure or would like to use all kinds of colors, I suggest using this pack of highlighters. They are amazing!

What supplies do I use?

How do you stay organized?

I’m so very curious what you use to stay organized. Please comment and let me know!

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