Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

Showing: 141 - 150 of 174 Articles
Christmas image for featured image in blog

The Truth About The Term “Xmas” Referring to Christmas

With the Christmas season coming up soon, I decided to do some research on a topic that I thought was controversial when I was growing up. What might that be, you might ask? Well, using the shorten version of Christmas – “Xmas”. Random, I know, however, it was a big deal to me when I …

The Easiest Hack To Being A Missionary In Education blog post featured image

The Easiest Hack To Being A Missionary In Education

Backstory Growing up, I attended a discipleship class on Wednesday nights called “Girls in Action” or GA’s. As a part of GA’s, each class member was invited to go to a camp, where learning more about God was at the forefront.  While attending, I learned the “Fruits of the Spirit” song, and it has stuck …

Parent Teacher conference featured image - healthy communication with parents

Teacher’s How-to Guide on Successful & Healthy Communication with Parents

With this being my 10th year in education, I’ve had multiple conversations with parents – some good and some bad. My goal is to have more positive healthy communication with parents. I want to make sure the parents/guardians know I am in both the students’ and parents’ “corner”. I feel like I have reached my …

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Reclaim Teaching With These Encouraging & Powerful Bible Verses

As July is coming to a close, it is time for me to start thinking about going back to school. This is the time of year I reflect on how I want this year to go and what I want to accomplish. For my 10th year, I want to keep a few Bible verses in …

students working on a robot for a coding competition

Top 4 Best Websites for Profitable Math & Coding Competitions

Do you and your students know that there are math and coding competitions out there and some even come with monetary winnings??? Well, now you do! Ha! Fantastic List of Math & Coding Competitions The following are fantastic resources/websites that have pretty amazing competition lists.  As I was researching high school math competitions, I came …

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Planner Freebie: The Best 50 Page One Out There

Do you need organization? The one thing that I need as a perfectionist is … ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION. I need to keep track of multiple things and this planner freebie keeps it all IN ONE PLACE! What is included? The following pages are in the planner freebie: What’s the best part of the Freebie Planner? …

class creation project for ap computer science a

The Most Awesome AP® Computer Science A – Unit 5 – Project

Unit 5 – Writing Classes – in AP® Computer Science A is one of my absolute favorites to teach. I feel like this is where several things start to come together and the students feel like they are REALLY coding. But, I have found out that it seems to be where the confusion really starts …

teacher stressed by students misbehaving

Teachers – How To Work With A Difficult Student

As teachers, we inevitably have “that” student that causes trouble in our classes. I call them a “difficult student”. Here are some strategies that I have used to help with behavior management. Make a relationship with them The #1 best thing that you can do to help your classroom management is to make relationships with …