Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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Last Year’s Classroom Decor – Before the Classroom Makeover

Last year, I decided to change schools and districts to be closer to my son during the day. This meant I had the chance to do a classroom makeover  I used different types of plants and a blue and green color scheme. I liked it a lot!

So, if you like my earth tones theme, there are some of the things I created are on my TpT store – Binary Addition. Here are some of my favorites:

So, why the classroom makeover, AGAIN?

So, why change, you may be asking? There are several reasons.

Active Shooter

It is now a reality that we have to take an active shooter situation into consideration when we are teaching. I didn’t feel as if I were as prepared as I should have been. So, I decided to put cabinets, bookshelves, and cube storage in my room. These can be used to put in front of the door to prevent anyone coming in. Some are small and can be handled by anyone as a weapon.

End of Course Exam

At the end of certain courses, we take a test provided by the state. For high schools in Tennessee, they are called End of Course Tests (or TNReady or EOCs). The students are not allowed to have any “outside help” or have anything that would be advantageous to them but not others. Therefore, some of the things I had on the walls would have needed to be covered and I wasn’t too sure how I was going to accomplish that feat. So, I just took them down and I would have to do this every year. It wasn’t something I wanted to spend all my time on when I have more important matters to attend to. 

My “Home” for 7 hours a Day

I consider my classroom my “second home”, because I spend at least 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, for about 10 months in my room. Therefore, I want it to be comfortable and enjoy being in my classroom. 

Inviting to Students

My classroom should feel warm and inviting to students, so the goal I set every year is that I want them to want to be in my room learning. I love teaching math and computer science and I want to share my love of them with others. So, I can’t do that if they aren’t in my room.

Also, I want to make relationships with my students. I already have past students coming back every day to give me a hug, tell me their concerns, or share something really exciting that happened to them. THAT IS WHAT TEACHING IS ABOUT and I couldn’t do that if they didn’t feel at home in my room or with me. It makes me so happy and proud to call them my students. 

Flexible Seating

It has been shown that when students are comfortable they learn more. So, I implemented flexible seating this year. There are 2 places where they can sit on the floor or on the bench with pillows. There is a table with 2 benches, and a coffee table with chairs around it. 

In order to implement this, I had all my students sign a contract that I found on TpT and I love it – Flexible Seating Parent Letter & Flexible Seating Contract. It lets them know they can sit where they choose (and they LOVE THIS) but that I have the right to move them if they are distracting others or are not respecting the space. 

These are some of my favorite spots in my room.

Personality & Not a Superhero

My personality is big and bubbly and I want my classroom to show just that. It’s me expressing who I am. Also, I think it is a way for the students to get to know the “real” me. 

I used to think that teachers didn’t have lives outside of school – that teachers just taught and that they were superheroes for doing so. … BOY, was I wrong! 🤣 So, I like showing that I am not a superhero and that I do have a life, just like them, outside of school. It makes me feel more “human”. 

How the classroom makeover all started?

It all started with this cabinet. I found it on Amazon, loved the stain color, and the storage compartments.

Then, I recognized that there was a matching bookshelf and I ordered two. 😂

While I was ordering these, I began to think about what theme would match them and how “timeless” it would be. The more timeless the theme, the less I would want to change it in the future. So, as I’m searching and looking for growth mindset posters, I found this set of posters and fell in love with the sage green, eucalyptus green, gold, and white with oak stained furniture theme.

Since I had a them, I started searching for curtains for the windows and found these! I was like, “Yes! These are perfect!”

Then, the teacher side started to kick in and I new I was going to need border for the bulletin boards. So check out what I found! I love this eucalyptus border!

I was able to find pretty much all of my decor from Amazon! Here is a list of all of the other materials I purchased from them if you would like to do your own classroom makeover!

How did I create the theme?

I used Amazon’s wish list feature. I made my list and then added products to see if it matched the theme. It is easy to do this! Reach out to me if you are having trouble and I will gladly help. 

My classroom makeover must have been expensive?

In the back of your mind, you might be thinking… “Wow, she spent a lot of money.” – And I did but can I tell you, it was well worth it. I used the proceeds from my TpT store to pay for it. But I got to thinking… If I didn’t have that, how could I pay for the materials? 

Grants for classroom makeovers?

There are all types of places willing to give money to schools and classrooms, you just have to search them out! Grants are a fantastic way of receiving money to implement different tactics in your classroom for student engagement. So, go! Search out the grants you need to make this happen!

Social Media

As summer was coming to an end, I saw an abundance of teachers placing their Amazon wishlists on social media – Twitter being the main source. They were calling it “clear the list”. It was amazing to see the response of people around the world clearing the list of supplies teachers needed to go back to school. It warmed my heart so much!!!

Your Own Pocket

Last resort, the money could come from your own pocket. There is no need for it to look exactly how you want it if you can’t afford it from the start. It is okay to add to your room each year. Keep that Amazon wish list going and purchase things when you have the funds to do so. It is perfectly acceptable. 

The Joy, Comfort, & Stress-Reducing Power of Classroom Makeover

Have you redecorated recently or had your own classroom makeover?

Have you recently had a classroom makeover? I’d love for you to comment and tell me what theme you used! 

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