Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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I am 9 years into teaching and I have to say that it is one of the hardest but most rewarding jobs out there. If it wasn’t for setting boundaries and finding ways to take care of myself, I am not so sure I would have made it this long. So, for any of you dealing with burnout, try several of these self-care ideas for teachers and see how it changes your life.

15 Ideas for Self-Care

  • Don’t take work home
  • Coffee/Loaded Tea + Water
  • Take a break during plan & go for a walk
  • Get a mani/pedi
  • Get a massage
  • Order something small that makes you happy
  • Get a haircut, wash, dye, etc.
  • Spend time with family
  • Go shopping
  • Spend time by yourself
  • Create something & be crafty
  • Write in your journal
  • Clean
  • Give a gift to someone else
  • Take a vacation – go somewhere new
self care is not a luxury, it is a necessity
Self-care is a necessity.

My Favorites

I absolutely love teaching because I feel like I can influence the future. However, when I am in the grind, I get overwhelmed more easily than normal, and that’s the time I realize I have to do something to lift my mood and take care of myself. I need to refill my cup before I can pour into others.

So, I have a few favorite self-care things that I like to do. I love to get my nails done and be by myself. I am around others all day, and there is something about having a solemn and quiet space to just breathe.

Create a Balance

Some advice that I got a few years ago was that I needed to create a balance between work and home, and I’ve been working on that ever since.

My first couple of years, I was having to take work home because I didn’t know the material or know how to teach it. But after those few years, all my lessons were made and I could just teach.

take care of yourself so that you can take care of others

Along with teaching, though, comes the grading of the all the papers. In today’s society, everything is instant and the students want to know immediately. However, I have made a promise to myself this year to not take any papers home to grade. IT IS LIFE CHANGING. I can finally turn off the teaching side on the way home and switch to being a mother and wife. It is absolutely freeing.

What do others say?

I found a good article HERE that has some really great material on self-care for teachers. You should definitely check it out.

What do you do?

What types of self-care do you do as a teacher to uplift yourself and refill your cup?

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