Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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Be a Blessing to Your Child’s Teacher

In today’s world, teachers have it rough. There is constant pressure to “perform” and have the students get the best test scores possible.

Read more: The Importance of Quality Teaching Resources Through Blogging

Therefore, I think the stress really starts to amp up in January and February because of snow days and sick days. We have a tremendous amount of curriculum and even less time to get through it. Compile that with the dreary, cold, and overcast days, any human would start to get down and out. So, this is where you, parents/guardians, can really make a difference!

What can you do as a parent to bless your child’s teacher?

Some of the most thoughtful ways to bless your child’s teacher are not tangible:

  • #1 – Pray for them and let them know you are.
  • #2 – Send an email introducing yourself and your child.
  • #3 – In an email, state that you support him/her and to reach out anytime there is an issue.
  • #4 – If possible, go to the open house or parent-teacher conference nights.
  • #5 – Go to parent/teacher conferences with an open mind and a kind heart.
  • #6 – If an issue does arise with your child, try to see both the teacher’s and the student’s side of things.
  • #7 – Be involved in your child’s learning.
  • #8 – Say thank you.

Two tangible ways

  • #9 – Tangible – Ask them to send you an Amazon Wishlist and share it with other parents/guardians so items can be purchased for the classroom.
  • #10 – Tangible – Hand sanitizer and tissues are important! Oh! And chocolate too!
gratitude changes everything
Be a blessing to a teacher today!

Teachers are Human

So, what does all of this boil down to? That teachers are human and really need to be encouraged in unexpected ways!

If you are an educator reading this, check out my blog post: #1 Thing Any Teacher Needs to Know to Be Successful

What have you done to be a blessing?

Teachers, what are your favorite blessings? Parents, what have you done in the past to bless the teacher?

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