Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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4 Amazing Pi Day Activities That Your Students Will Love

Introduction 1. Sphero Activity If you have a Sphero and want to do a really cool activity for Pi Day, this one is it. This assignment allows them to be introduced to pi while also learning a bit of block coding. Students will run the program provided (make sure you have the sound turned on.) …

playing video games

Love to Play Video Games? – Learn to create your own!

What is Greenfoot? Greenfoot is a programming environment which uses Java to allow users to import their own images to create video games, solve problems, study other languages, etc. You can find their website HERE. This website will take you to the download screen and where you can find the Greenfoot textbook. I highly recommend …

future is ahead

Questioning Your Future? Try Out This Amazing Research Project!

Why create this research project? When I was growing up, my parents pushed me to be the best that I could be. And when I was in high school that entailed looking into the future and really getting to know life beyond high school. They wanted me to research what I wanted to do in life …