Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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There is a negative connotation around teaching nowadays and how difficult it can be. I am not going to deny that’s very difficult, however, I’ve found several aspects of educating teenagers that keep me motivated as a teacher.

The “Light Bulb” Moment

The “light bulb” moment is one of my favorites. This is the moment when the students get the material and understand how it all fits together. I look forward to the day when they say “Mrs. Finchum, I FINALLY GET IT!” This is my number one reason for staying motivated as a teacher.

The light bulb or aha moment
The “Aha Moment” or “light bulb Moment”

Having a classroom that students feel comfortable in

Having a classroom that is well organized, pretty, and visually calming is something I strive for. I can’t tell you how many times my students say they love the décor and that it makes them feel like they are at home. Lately, I have had random students stop by and say they love my room. Personally, I think it shows the students that I care about them and their education.

Check out my post on: The Joy, Comfort, & Stress-Reducing Power of a Classroom Makeover

classroom makeover
My classroom.

The collaboration between students

I love having an atmosphere that if a student is struggling with something that I am teaching, another student doesn’t mind stepping it and explaining it in their own words. Most of the time, they do a better job explaining it than I can. I love those moments!

Most of the students want to be in the classroom post-pandemic

Students want to be in the classroom. I think that having participate in virtual learning during Covid taught them that in-person learning is where they learn the best. This just warms my heart!

The relationships that I make

I love learning about the students’ lives and what they enjoy doing. It helps me build a relationship with them and increases the integrity of my teaching.

Read More: #1 Thing Any Teacher Needs to Know to be Successful

Being someone that the students can trust

A goal of mine is to be someone that students can trust and can come to me with anything they are going through. One of my “things” is that I take students to the hallway to talk to them personally. Sometimes, it is because they are in trouble. However, most of the time, it is because I want to have that one-on-one, non-embarrassing conversation with them about whatever is going on. My students get used to me taking them to the hallway and even ask to go out there! Wow!

Saying Hi to all of the students in the hallway

One of my favorite parts of my day is saying “Hi” to any students that I see in the hallway. I’m always hoping that the smile that I carry on my face will somehow brighten their day.

teacher talking to students in the hallway
Teacher talking to students in the hallway.

What motivates you?

What aspects of teaching keep you motivated to stay in the classroom as a teacher? Comment below because I’d love to know.

pinterest pin for how to stay motivated as a teacher and my 7 reasons why

1 Comment

  1. I just returned to teaching Maths after a 25 year gap.
    I am motivated, but I could not have articulated why.
    Reading your seven reasons really chimed with my experience since I started teaching again.
    But I could do with making my classroom more inviting, so any tips for that would be appreciated.

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