Where Creativity & Education Meet Christianity

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Education is in a mess. New and experienced teachers are leaving the classroom and there’s not anyone coming in to fill those positions. However, I’m NOT leaving the classroom and here’s why.

Reason #1: God-given gift

Growing up I did not want to be a teacher. However, I was put in a place where I didn’t have a choice. Turns out, God had given me the gift of teaching and He has shown me that it’s where I am supposed to be.

Read more: How To Be The Best Teacher From The Perfect Example

Reason #2: Beacon light

If you haven’t read about it yet, “Brandi” means “beacon light”. I’ve taken it to heart the past few months and I want to be a light unto the world, so that Jesus can be seen through me and that He can get all the glory (Matthew 5:16).

Reason #3: Good Influence

I’ve heard it said that the influence of a good teacher cannot be erased. I like this quote a lot and I strive every day to be a good influence on my students. I feel like I have knowledge about not only math and computer science, but about life too, and I want to share.

Read more: #1 Thing Any Teacher Needs to Know to Be Successful

Reason #4: My administration is phenomenal

Great administration is one of the main things that any teacher should have and I have some of the best principals on the planet. They are supportive, encouraging, and caring to both my needs and the students. I am truly blessed.

Reason #5: I love my students

If I didn’t love the students, education would not be the place for me. There’s just something about teaching teenagers that lights that fire within.

Reason #6: I love teaching Math & CS

Just like any typical student, I asked “Where am I going to use this in real life?”. And when I got to college, I got that answer. I was able to put math, biology, and computer science together to model antibiotic resistance in a hospital setting and that was just the tip of the iceberg. Now that I know the answer, I love teaching math and computer science. Something about the objectivity that they offer allows me to fan the flame of teaching.

Reason #7: Helpful Coworkers

Your fellow educators are your lifeline. They are in the trenches with you and understand what you are going through. And, I have some of the most wonderful coworkers that I would call them friends. We vent to teach other, we laugh with each other, and spend time outside of the classroom with each other. So cool!

Find your support system!

Reason #8: Supportive parents

Not all communities have supportive parents, however, I am truly blessed with the community of parents that I am surrounded by. Any time I reach out to them, it is a positive conversation with them rather than a negative one.

If you are a teacher, and haven’t received my positive parent/teacher communication checklist, sign up for the newsletter here to receive it!

Reason #9: Short drive

I used to drive 45 minutes one way to my teaching job before I moved schools. I did it because I loved that school and those students. However, I wanted a shorter commute. I didn’t realize until switching schools that it was really wearing on me. Now, I drive 15 minutes one way and it is one of the best decisions I ever made.

Reason #10: Support students in their extracurricular activities

Life isn’t just about school. Lots of my students are in sports and the Beta club. Being so close to the school and close to the students, I want to show them that being a well-rounded student is a good thing. So, I attend the sporting and other events that they participate in and when they see me, their eyes light up. It is truly an amazing feeling to know they want me there!

Reason #11: The Community

When living so far away from the school, I didn’t get to see my students in public. I thought this was a good thing, however, now that I see them out and about, I love it!

Reason #12: Benefits

The health and financial benefits are EXCEPTIONAL. Need I say more??? Ha!

Reason #13: The Hours & Breaks

Non-teachers sometimes say, “It must be nice being a teacher, especially since you get the whole summer off.” Well, this is somewhat true, but not really. Most of the time, we are preparing for the next school year and doing professional development. But, I feel like I have gotten to the point where my lessons are good enough and I can work on them as they come up. I feel like I am doing a good job prioritizing what is most important – my family.

Reason #14: Same school system

Before, I was not in the same school system that I lived in, but it didn’t matter because I didn’t have kids. Now that I have a son, I wanted to be in the same system so that we would have the same breaks and same schedule.

Find your reasons why!

Reason #15: Current state standards for TpT products

This one is not as important as the others. However, because I am a Teachers Pay Teachers Teacher Author (see my store – Binary Addition), being in the school system allows me to keep up on the current state standards and produce materials that teachers need.

I did want to leave

I say all of this to say – I have wanted to leave the classroom on various occasions for one reason or another. However, I keep coming back to these reasons and I just can’t leave!

Thinking about leaving the classroom?

Have you thought about leaving the classroom? If so, how could you motivate yourself to stay?


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